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Watch: Ringo Starr – ‘Gonna Need Someone’

Johann Rashid (AKA Promiseland) has directed the new music video for Ringo Starr and we need this right now. A sincere message of peace and love can still go a long way. Rashid has brought the vibes to life in his take on modern nostalgia. Ringo’s personal archival footage, vulnerable and beautiful, wrapped into the eternal now via Rashid’s expansive 16mm work. The revolutionary hope of Ringo’s own youth united with the hard won hope of a new generation. Rashid himself is no stranger to dark subject matter in his own work, which only makes the energy, color and texture here more special. Enough to lift the darkest heart. The struggle is shared but so is the joy. Peace and love brothers, sisters, everyone.

A Weird CGI Production
Weirding you better

Directed by Johann Rashid
Produced by Nick Ventura
Creative by Peter Savieri
Additional Cinematography Sophie Hur, Nick Ventura

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