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Premiere: The Pinheads’ “Feel It Now” video makes your gut bubble with that SXSW excitement all over again

There’s no doubt that some of the most fun punk/garage/rock n’ roll/whatever-you-want-to-call-it music we’re hearing these days is coming from outside of the US, and The Pinheads are certainly to be counted in this bunch. Looking at SXSW directly in our rear-view mirror, with the sheen of buzz-band excitement bouncing off of the reflection, this video for “Feel It Now” captures that beginning of summer, fizzing excitement of finding all of these new bands from across the globe that’s synonymous with the Austin fest. Shot during the course of one evening at SXSW a couple of months ago, this video makes you ravenous for more – eager to keep consuming these new songs and experiencing crazy live shows in intimate settings.

On the other side of it, the whole experience can leave you caught up in moments of exhaustion or delirium. You see those bits here, too — the pink elephant walking around, eye rolling into the back of the head, followed by moments standing in line for a 10 PM taco after drinking beer in the sun all day. But the song itself and the VHS imagery put a nostalgic sheen over all of it, leaving you happily spent. This is exactly the kind of music you want to experience in a sweaty outfit you’ve worn two days straight, bathed in red light from the Shangri-La: guitars and drums both pushing forward with riffs and rhythms that don’t need to overcomplicate things. Top that off with a skinny, long-haired Aussie in a speedo and you’ve got yourself a recipe for success.

The Pinheads’ sophomore LP ‘Is This Real’ is out May 24th. Listen here, follow on Facebook and Instagram.

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