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Indie-Lit Pop Quiz: Lisa Marie Basile

Lisa Marie Basile is a fierce, unapologetic poet, fascinated by gender politics, beauty, and the labyrinthine mysteries of the body. She is the author of APOCRYPHAL (Noctuary Press), her first full-length book, and critics have been quick with due praise, calling her work a “beautiful mess,” “emotional and always fearless,” and “profoundly powerful in its feminist anger.” In addition to APOCRYPHAL, she has published two chapbooks, Andalucia (Poetry Society of NY) and War/lock (Hyacinth Girl Press), and is the founding editor of Luna Luna Magazine, an empowering, feminist-leaning online magazine that facilitates sophisticated conversations about culture, sex, literature, and the macabre.

Dubbed one of Amy Poehler’s “smart girls,” Lisa is, inarguably, a prolific and poignant writer, operating at the crux of art, journalism, and progressive ideologies. Hers is a necessary literary voice — evenly critical, bold, and passionate — and we had the pleasure of getting  her nuanced take on our on-going pop quiz. Check out her answers below, and then be on the lookout for future collaborations between Luna Luna and ALT CITIZEN, the first of which includes a summer reading for a Lana Del Rey-inspired poetry anthology. Of course, that’s only the beginning — be sure to check back for more awesome, collaborative projects between us.



1. What was the last book you read? Did you like it or nah?

I just read Beyond the Pale Motel by Francesca Lia Block and it was really difficult to get through because it made me feel like I was going insane. I felt insecure, uncomfortable and afraid with each page. I loved it.

2. Thoughts on David Foster Wallace or Jonathan Franzen?

Literally none, except maybe this one about having none.

3. What are your writing habits?

I don’t have a ritual for writing. I just write when I think I should write. But when I do actually write (a few times each month), I like to write for hours. I like to feel exhausted.

4. How do you party? How often?

I drink far too much, but I don’t party enough. I probably go out once per week, but I have an animal in me that waits for summer.

5. Any writer you want to give a shout out to?

Lisa A. Flowers. Her poetry is the real thing, and she is a divinely-inspired tastemaker. She’s also the reviews editor at Tarpaulin Sky, a curator at Luna Luna and the the poetry.



6. Last show you went to?

Rudimental — I love drum and bass. I love being sweaty.

7. Band you’re currently obsessed with? 

Oh my god, it’s all FKA Twigs right now. She builds a luscious world. It’s so glossy and hypnotic and dark.

8. Last time you made a mixtape? Who was it for?

I obviously made a Lana Del Rey / Lizzie Grant mix tape for a literary reading recently, but I also included some beautiful French songs from ’60s pop singers, like France Gall and Marie Laforet.

9. Unknown band you think everyone should know about?

I’m good friends with the guitarist from Consider the Source. They’re not totally unknown at all, but they make cerebral, thoughtful, mathematical music and more people should listen to them.

10. As you get older, do you care more or less about discovering new music?

I care a lot less. If I find good music, I’m happy, but I don’t search for it at all. I care much more about taking my time to discover good writers.


Movies/Pop Culture

11. David Lynch or Charlie Kaufman?

Lynch, always and forever.

12. If you could have one TV show be put on Netflix, what would it be?

Six Feet Under – oh my god, that show.

13. Can anyone compete with Kanye West? Can Kanye compete with Kanye?

Kanye isn’t even worth Kanye.

14. Last movie you saw? Did you like it or nah?

La Pianiste, a French erotic thriller. It’s about sado-masichism, stabbing and obsessive musicians. It was beautiful.

15. Greatest film of all time?

It’s La Dolce Vita but I really wanted to just say American Hustle.



16. Is it really worth it to be a writer? What would you rather do instead?

It is really, really, really worth it to be a writer. I don’t subscribe to that self-deprecating writer woe. I would also like to be a lawyer. I love to fight.

17. Which Internet friend are you most proud of?

I could never say out loud, but he’s a very bad man and people hate him.

18. Any words for the haters? 

“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.” That’s all Coco Chanel.

19. Should every writer’s goal be, ‘be more like Stephen Dixon?’

What kind of asshole would I be if I told writers to be like another writer? No.

20. If the Internet were to shutdown tomorrow, forever, would life go on or would you be in a hopeless state of panic?

I would probably fall into a measurable depression and then eventually I would be happy to live a new life. I would tell people ‘I will be there’ and actually be there. I would be a real person all the time. There wouldn’t be another me to tend to. I could do it.



Luna Luna Magazine


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