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Lords of Chaos, Gods of Filth: Surfbort’s outtakes from Issue 6.5

Text by Tamim Alnuweiri. Photos by Luis Lucio.

Here are outtakes from the forthcoming Issue 6.5—a preview of what’s coming in the special SXSW edition.

Surfbort are John Waters’ wet dream. They’re somehow charming and full of laughter while straddling the sphere of all things absurd, obscene, and grotesque. They’ve created a world for clowns made entirely of pig shit and glitter.

They churn out the type of music that is so simple in it’s execution that it’s immediately genius—but also frustrating that you aren’t able to string oddities together as joyfully as they can (see: HIPPIES BUMMING ME OUT).

The band has long been a staple of New York’s volatile and often shitty scene—sometimes the only band worth talking about. As recent signees to Cult Records, Surfbort have just released “Les Be In Love” and have a full length LP on it’s way. They’ll be bringing the freak show to SXSW this year playing a roster of shows—the most important of which is our Cult Citizen show!

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“I get really freaked out before and nervous and like, ‘Whoa, I’m just a fucking joker. What’s going on!’ And, then, as soon as I step on the stage, I just go into a deep meditation. If I fall out of that, sometimes in between songs when people are tuning, I’ll start staring at the ground and forget where I am. But, then, I just try to snap back into that deep meditation of just letting everything go. There’s points where I’m like, ‘Oh, shit, I’m gonna slip and eat shit.’ But the perfect parts are where I’m just flopping around and laughing and not even paying attention.” Dani Miller

Issue 6.5 is coming! Pick one up at SXSW or keep an eye out as it makes its way to the cyber world.

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